Friday, December 2, 2016

Thlog #4



        I am feeling very sad in my English 101 and 108 class. After putting so much time in my WP2 paper assignment, I get to know that some of my sentences were plagiarism which leads to my sadness. Maybe I could not understand how to differentiate my own words from someone else words. However, I appreciate the time that I spend in my English class. It was so great, special when you have a good professor like Zack that knows the subject to the best. He used to guide me in my writing, that I should always cite my sources and avoid plagiarism in my paper.  Now, I know how significant it is to cite your sources and avoiding plagiarism in all form of writing or speaking is. In my English class, I could achieve so many English words and styles of writing, such as Genre, Logos, Rhetorical Analyzes, Moves, and Navigating Genre.

       When we first started discussing topic Genre, honestly, at the beginning it was confusing to me. I never knew that genre is a type of writing or even literature. But after Zack when into detailed, I learned so many aspects of how to read like a writer and write like a writer. Through the understanding of writers moves, Logos, and rhetorical analyses I improved greatly on PB2B and PB2A papers. For my PB1, PB1A and WP1 I struggle a little bit getting to the point and citing my sources. English is a very huge and important topic, it is part of our everyday activities. A lot of students find it difficult in English course. With all these materials and resources that I learned, my next class can be easy for me.