Wednesday, October 12, 2016


        Hey Zack, here is  my textual genre that I pick for my PB1A  paper.

     Well, as we know genre is a particular type or category of literature and art. For my PB1A paper, I will be writing on soccer game as my textual genre that I'm familiar with. Soccer game involves around sport setting, event or an athlete. This genre is know for incorporating  Film technique to build anticipation and intensity

     I have been involved into soccer since I was ten years old. Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Europe and the Americas. It has a vivid and interesting history in the world of sports. It was founded by the British in 1920. Most people play soccer game for fun and entertainment. Not only that, it also have economic benefits, soccer fans are more than willing to spend on their favorite sport. In the 2009-10 season,  Manchester United’s revenues reached $428 million, notes, while Barcelona pulled in $488 million. World Cups also are big money spinners, with FIFA, the international governing body of soccer, generating an estimated $3 billion from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, according to economist Dennis Coates of the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

    In addition, inside Iran’s stadiums, women express their support by enthusiastically following local soccer games from nearby rooftops. Elsewhere, soccer has acted in profound ways to create change. For example, The Winning Goal writing by G.B Samuelsson, The Arsenal Stadium  Mystery writing by Thorold Dickinson, and The Great Goal by Jack Raymond. You can fine these three example on this website  sportss#Association_football_.28soccer.29.

  However, the three example actually gave us the ideology behind the creation of soccer game and its popularity in the word today. The three can be  found in Sport Magazines, Newspapers, and Story Books. The Great Game which is my favorite  gave us vital knowledge and vivid descriptions on the game. For instance, The Great Game shows how the rules are made, tactical team talk to players, and fans emotions to the game. 

   All in all, soccer game is a world game that millions of people watch and support. It is the most popular sport in the world today. Soccer is unique in that it crosses all geographic, ethnic and religious boundaries. While almost everyone on this planet knows of, plays or has watched others play football, aside from goals scored and long standing team rivalries, rarely do we hear about the more important value and ability for this and other sports to effect positive social change.



  1. Sekou,

    Hello! Ok, so first thing’s first: “soccer games” are kinda/sorta… not really… maybe(?!) TEXTUAL GENRE. There is certainly written language WITHIN the game itself, but I think you might want to focus on one more specific type of writing surrounding the game. Ask yourself: what kinds of writing surround soccer games? The packaging of the product? The advertisements? The companies’ websites? Users’/gamers’ reviews?

    So again, get into the ingredients of a *specific piece of writing.* What are some common textual conventions/ingredients/patterns of this particular type of writing? What *in the writing* is observable? I think your next major step is to back up your claims by helping me to SEE what you want me to see. The best way to do that is to call my (and other readers’) attention to actual slices of language that you think represent something important.

    Here’s another way of putting it: it’s not SOCCER GAMES that I want you to examine here, so much as HOW PEOPLE WRITE ABOUT soccer video games. Does that make sense? Hope so!

    For instance, when people write VIDEO GAME REVIEWS for the new Fifa game, what do they include in the review? The “playability”? (If so, what’s that mean?) The new features? (If so, what are they?) Do they ever reference previous versions of the game (i.e., Fifa 2012?) Do they compare them to other types of soccer games??

    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.

