Friday, November 11, 2016



Sekou A Bility

Professor Zack Depiero

November 11, 2016

Putting Sugary Soda Out of Reach, an article from the New York Time. Well, we know that soda drinking had been part of American life for so many years now.  It will not be an easy task to just break that habit Just like that. However, more can be done to minimize the drinking of soda if reasons are given from different prospective. Some university in the United States like University of California, San Francisco has banned the drinking of sugary soda on their campus. the World Health Organization urged countries around the world to impose a tax on sugary drinks, presenting research that showed just a 20 percent increase in soda prices would result in a proportionate reduction in their consumption. The question that comes to mind is, what impacts does it have on the human life?

Since the topic was brought to the public, it has been a lot of arguments from business owners, and experts on the topic. From the economic point of view, the banned on sugary soda will affect some business and course unemployment. Business that sell sugary soda in high quality must lay out some of their employees to maintain the salary of another works. Some of the workers who were lay out might even become homeless criminal to the society. Robert W. Jones, who owns two Subway franchises on one of the campus, said that “when the school asked him to stop selling soda, he worried that it would upset his customers”. Mr. Jones also stated that “his beverage sales declined by about 10 percent in the first two months after the change, but that he recovered most of the business through sales of diet drinks and battle water”. Some people might approach it from different points.

The person from the heath field may even argue the economic point of view. They might say that the health problem cause by the sugary soda is important than any other problems. Researchers from the university of California and San Francisco have enrolled 214 of the school’s employees into a rigorous study, collecting blood samples to see if there have been any major metabolic changes in the people who lowered their soda intake. Laura Schmidt one of researches believes that “We’re a public health institution, and there’s something not right about us making money off of products that we know are making people sick,” she than stated that “How dare we profit off of a product that our own doctors say causes metabolic disease?” This should also be a good reason for someone to hold as a stand to allow the banned on sugary soda. “Low-income women of color are especially targeted in weight-centric campaigns such as the soda tax effort, frequently characterized as the most overweight and unhealthy population in the greatest need”. Melina M Packer Environmental science student.

On the other hand, a sociology might approach it with different view, saying the banned may reduce social connection and gathering amount people. Sugary soda drinking is popular amount American today. Which is another good reason that we should also look at. Most people get together on a round table having their conversations why drinking a soda or even organize a party with a soda. This is how significant it is not to banned sugary soda from the sociology stand point.

After analyzing both party stand point on the topic under discussion, I believe that they really care about the people life. Over all, I agree on the banned of sugary soda from health perspective. Our health comes first than any other thing.  

1 comment:

  1. Sekou,

    You've stepped up your game with these last two project builder posts -- PB2A and PB2B. Hell yeah! You're focusing on the WRITING itself and different (possible) WRITERS' PERSPECTIVES, which is exactly what I want you to be doing. Nice job, my man!

    As we've talked about before, remember that you always always always need to cite your sources. Whenever you're referencing other people's WORDS/LANGUAGE or even their IDEAS, you need to give a "shout out" to them so that you let the reader know that they're other people's words/ideas, separate from your own.


