Friday, December 2, 2016

Thlog #4



        I am feeling very sad in my English 101 and 108 class. After putting so much time in my WP2 paper assignment, I get to know that some of my sentences were plagiarism which leads to my sadness. Maybe I could not understand how to differentiate my own words from someone else words. However, I appreciate the time that I spend in my English class. It was so great, special when you have a good professor like Zack that knows the subject to the best. He used to guide me in my writing, that I should always cite my sources and avoid plagiarism in my paper.  Now, I know how significant it is to cite your sources and avoiding plagiarism in all form of writing or speaking is. In my English class, I could achieve so many English words and styles of writing, such as Genre, Logos, Rhetorical Analyzes, Moves, and Navigating Genre.

       When we first started discussing topic Genre, honestly, at the beginning it was confusing to me. I never knew that genre is a type of writing or even literature. But after Zack when into detailed, I learned so many aspects of how to read like a writer and write like a writer. Through the understanding of writers moves, Logos, and rhetorical analyses I improved greatly on PB2B and PB2A papers. For my PB1, PB1A and WP1 I struggle a little bit getting to the point and citing my sources. English is a very huge and important topic, it is part of our everyday activities. A lot of students find it difficult in English course. With all these materials and resources that I learned, my next class can be easy for me. 


Monday, November 28, 2016



Sekou A Bility

Professor Zack De Piero

November 23, 2016

             Islam today is the fastest growing religion in the World, but its members still lives in fear because of the way the media portray the image of Islam to the world. To experience what it feels like to be a Muslim in the world today, let one Muslim just commit an atrocity they blame the entire Muslims for that art.  Does the world have problem with Islam and Muslim or does Islam and Muslims have problem with the world? To answer this question, I analyzed to two pieces of article. Bobby Ghosh is a journalist and the managing editor of the business news website quartz article, “Does America have a Muslim problem” is about the reaction of American toward Muslim after the 9/11 attack, and a paper by both Barbara Perry a faculty of criminology at Ontario University Institute of Technology, and Scott Poynting School of Humanities and Language University of Western Sydney “Inspiring Islamophobia: Media and State targeting of Muslims in Canada since 9/11” talk about the anti-Muslim racism, violence in Canada since 9/11, negative media portrayals, together with discriminatory rhetoric, policy and public hostility toward the Muslim community.

In Bobby Ghosh paper, Muslim American need no convincing. Muslim murder their children. Christian kids have enough problem with drugs, alcohol and pornography and should not have to worry about Islam too. Ghosh give us statistic to support his claim. A new Time, Abt SRBI poll found that “46% of Americans believe Islam is more likely than other faiths to encourage violence against nonbelievers.” Ghosh in his paper quoted other Muslims opinion. For example, he quoted Arsalan Iftekhar Muslim American writer and commentator that argues “Islamophobia has become the accepted form of racism in American, and you can always take a potshot at Muslims or Arabs and get away with it.” And Eboo Patel also an American Muslim on President Obama advisory council states “The core argument emerging from the anti-mosque protests is that Muslims are not and can never be full American.” Ghosh argues that Islamophobia in the U.S. does not approach levels seen in other countries where Muslims are a minority.

On the other hand, Perry and Poynting, begins their paper with the aftermath of September 11 and subsequent terrorist attack from Bali to Madrid to London, backlash violence against those perceived to be Muslim escalated dramatically, resulting worldwide assault, even murders, especially in nations aligned with the USA. They believe that hate crime involves acts of violence and intimidation, usually directed toward stigmatized and marginalized some groups. According to Perry and Poynting, “The Canadian Islamic Congress (2003) reported a 1600% increase in the annual incidence of anti-Muslim hate crime reported to them, albeit from a low base of 11 cases in the year prior to 9/11 to 173 in the subsequent year.”  Denise Helly (2004) cites a 2002 CAIR-CAN study which found that 60% of the people of Muslim heritage surveyed reported that ‘they experienced bias or discrimination since the 9/11 terrorist attacks’, with fully a third saying their lives had worsened since 9/11, that they felt Canadians disliked them and that they were concerned about their own and their families’ safety.

After anatomizing both papers, it is very important that both writers begin their paper by given their credential that will allow us build convenient in their paper. Both writers also talk about the impacts of September 11 on Muslims and how Muslims are considered violence today. To draw our intention more into their paper, both writers demonstrate some important movies and logos in their paper. “Considering whether a technique Is appropriate or effective lets you contemplate what the author might have been trying to do and to decide whether much of readers would find the move successful. (Bunn81).” However, Ghosh was very critical in his analyzes when he said that Christians have other problems to worry about such as drugs, and pornography addiction of their kids, and that the problem Islam and Muslims such not be their only worry. That was so interesting for the fact that he’s not only looking at Islam or Muslims problems, but also other problems that might put our world in threat. For both Perry and Poynting paper, they let us know the direct reaction of people after the September 11 attack in Canada and that also fantastic. Both writer did an excellent job by providing enough evident to back their paper.

To conclude, Islam and Muslims became more violence today after the September 11 attack in the United States. Like Stephen Schwartz states “Islamophobia began to emerge almost immediately after the September 11 attack.” Other say the September 11 attack changes Muslims intention toward America. Up to today date Muslim are still consider violence in all Muslim minority countries.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


  Hi guys, yesterday class was so interesting. especially for the group workshop, my partner could show some mistakes in my WP2 paper, like spelling errors. it is important to share your works with friends, they might see some errors in your paper that you cannot identify. I suggest we always do that in class to keep the class lively too. Sometime the class get bored if there is no interaction between students.  
  For the paper "Annoying ways People Use Sources" give me a great idea of how to use sources in my paper. . Not using sources in your paper correctly may course readers to lost confident in your work. like Kyle D. Stedman says "Readers are sometime just annoyed at writing that fails to follow conventions."  One of my major problem in writing was not using sources correctly in my paper work. With this paper, I can save myself my paper for been annoying by my readers. And I can also use this paper as guideline for my next class.
  I appreciate Zack De Piero for given us enough materials and preparing us for our next class. Today I'm very careful when even I'm using sources in my paper.

Friday, November 11, 2016



Sekou A Bility

Professor Zack Depiero

November 11, 2016

Putting Sugary Soda Out of Reach, an article from the New York Time. Well, we know that soda drinking had been part of American life for so many years now.  It will not be an easy task to just break that habit Just like that. However, more can be done to minimize the drinking of soda if reasons are given from different prospective. Some university in the United States like University of California, San Francisco has banned the drinking of sugary soda on their campus. the World Health Organization urged countries around the world to impose a tax on sugary drinks, presenting research that showed just a 20 percent increase in soda prices would result in a proportionate reduction in their consumption. The question that comes to mind is, what impacts does it have on the human life?

Since the topic was brought to the public, it has been a lot of arguments from business owners, and experts on the topic. From the economic point of view, the banned on sugary soda will affect some business and course unemployment. Business that sell sugary soda in high quality must lay out some of their employees to maintain the salary of another works. Some of the workers who were lay out might even become homeless criminal to the society. Robert W. Jones, who owns two Subway franchises on one of the campus, said that “when the school asked him to stop selling soda, he worried that it would upset his customers”. Mr. Jones also stated that “his beverage sales declined by about 10 percent in the first two months after the change, but that he recovered most of the business through sales of diet drinks and battle water”. Some people might approach it from different points.

The person from the heath field may even argue the economic point of view. They might say that the health problem cause by the sugary soda is important than any other problems. Researchers from the university of California and San Francisco have enrolled 214 of the school’s employees into a rigorous study, collecting blood samples to see if there have been any major metabolic changes in the people who lowered their soda intake. Laura Schmidt one of researches believes that “We’re a public health institution, and there’s something not right about us making money off of products that we know are making people sick,” she than stated that “How dare we profit off of a product that our own doctors say causes metabolic disease?” This should also be a good reason for someone to hold as a stand to allow the banned on sugary soda. “Low-income women of color are especially targeted in weight-centric campaigns such as the soda tax effort, frequently characterized as the most overweight and unhealthy population in the greatest need”. Melina M Packer Environmental science student.

On the other hand, a sociology might approach it with different view, saying the banned may reduce social connection and gathering amount people. Sugary soda drinking is popular amount American today. Which is another good reason that we should also look at. Most people get together on a round table having their conversations why drinking a soda or even organize a party with a soda. This is how significant it is not to banned sugary soda from the sociology stand point.

After analyzing both party stand point on the topic under discussion, I believe that they really care about the people life. Over all, I agree on the banned of sugary soda from health perspective. Our health comes first than any other thing.  

Thursday, November 10, 2016


November 10, 2016
 Sekou A. Bility
 Professor Zack Depiero
For my PB2A, I will be analyzing moves from a book tittle The Book Thief; and it is about a little girl by the name Liesel Menninger as illiterate and a book thief. This book is written by Markus Zusak from Germany. I choose this book because it is a book of love, friendship, courage, death, grief and survival. I came up with three moves the author used that are listed in They Say, I Say Appendix and they are, Capturing Authorial Action, Introducing Quotations, Explaining Quotation, Establishing Why Your Claim Matter, and Indicating Who Care.

That being said, the author Markus Zusak first move he used is Capturing Authorial Action. For instance, the tittle of the book itself The Book Thief can capture authorial action.  Zusak believed that he chooses this title because it means everything to him. How his grandmother told a story of War World 1 in Germany that also make he to choose this title; and he used death as the narrator. This first move that the author make will the reader to have more interest in the book which of course is important. For very writer, your first move should be very clean and attractive to the reader.

Secondly, Establishing Why Your Claim Matter is another move the author made by establishing the fact that this book is a book of friendship, love, survival, courage, death, grief, and that the book means everything to him. Again, the author used this move so that the reader knows what the book is about and how important it is to him. Some might be move to read this book because he/she likes to know why this is book is death or some might even look at friendship, and grief. Thirdly, introducing Quotation is an important move that Zusak used to give facts or support his arguments, which of course help the reader in scanning the book. He also used this move to portray what is spoken by other people that back up his claim. For example, “Thought-provoking, life affirming, triumphant and tragic, this is a novel of breathtaking scope, masterfully told. It is an important piece of work, but also a wonderful page-tuner.” The Guardian (UK) For me that is so significant, we need to distinguish between speaking and thinking. This give make readers to build a kind of trust in the author book

In addition, Explaining Quotations, this move help the readers understand in clean detail the quotes Zusak used to backup or portray his facts in real life. For instance, “privileges? Like running barefoot through the snow? Like jumping from ten-meter platforms into three feet of water?”.  Zusak explained this that Liesel Menninger best friend Rudy is asked to join the army of the Nazi party in Germany; and he was to be taken to the army school for a training. And the Nazi were creating an elite group of German citizens in the name of the Hitler.

Indicating Who Care, a move the author made to indicate the fact that he started work on the book. As a writer, he begins every book knowing it will mean something to him, but the with The Book Thief, he has been very fortunate. He writes, “it’s the book that means everything to me”. From this we learned that the Author himself care so much about the book. People who love friendship, love, courage and survival will also care. On the other hand, I came up with one move that the author should have include in They say, I Say appendix is Defining Unfamiliar Worlds. This can help readers comprehend a sentence or a paragraph that the author write. For example, “Saumensch” (Read) is a German word that Zusak used in his book. If a person who is reading this book comes across this word, he or she will be confuse because is an unfamiliar word. The author defined it not to put readers in a confuse state.

To summarize, Moves are very in important when the author use them in his or her book. They drive the reader to focus and have more interest in the book they are reading. For every writer, your first move should be very clean and attractive to the reader. However, a book, an article, a movie, and a magazine, without some moves they will be bored to the reader.  

Friday, November 4, 2016



          Hi Zack, thanks for your feedback on my WP1 paper. It gives me the whole ideals of writing genre and a guard line to writing my next paper. The feedbacks that interested me like, am confusing the genre with the topic, not building my argument, not stating my sources and quotations, hooks the reader and be specific. These feedbacks are super interesting because they showed me my weakness in writing. For instance, confusing the topic with the title is one of my great weakness in my genre writing. But I now learned that the title doesn't have to be too broad like the topic. Another feedback that also interested me is my using of free floating quotes which also is a problem for me. Leaving the reader in a confused state not knowing where that quote came from or who stated it, makes your paper look bored to the reader.

        I know the issue of writing genre, it moves, rhetorical future, and conventions is not so easy. Most of the college students find it difficult understanding and writing genre. I know it is hard, but with your feedbacks, I believed we are progressing. When I received a good feedback from my professor, I  take it as a guard to improve.    

Wednesday, October 19, 2016





               For my PB1B assignment paper, I will be discussing Microsoft Window 10 and Window 8 as my genre. A genre is a huge type in the English language and it can be use in our everyday activities. We know that different genre has different approach of write then. For my understanding of my close notes, I’m going to use some of these approaches.      

             Window 10 delivers is free of unwanted substance, largely improved vision for the future of computing with an operating system that's equally at home on tablets and it’s a free upgrade for most of its users. "The good news is that window 10 bridges the gap between PCS and tablets without alienating anyone; the new OS combines the best bits of old and new window features into a closely united package, and corrects all the mistake of window 8" says It is more secure than window 8. Window 10 program is used today by every largest companies like, Amazon, Peco, Walmart, etc.


                               Feature of Window 10

·  The start menu is on the keyboard

·  Sticky note

·  Music control in lock screen

·  New emoji keyboard

·  Dark mode themed apps

            In addition, Window 8 is not for everyone, it is good for smartphone user not PC users. Windows 8 tries to get you to tie your Windows login to your Microsoft account; it’s optional, but if you do link the two, the Windows login and password serve as your Microsoft account login and password. Enabling this link allows tighter integration with the remote and cloud-based features of the new OS. Window 8 don’t have the right interface for device, it doesn’t have virtual desktop or clean screen than Window 10.

                                 Feature of Window

·        Shell and user interface

·        Bundle apps

·        Start screen

·        Microsoft account integration

·        File explorer

           However, some people may take this in a different prospective. They might say, Windows 10 is most definitely better than Windows 8, but it has quite a few things wrong that make them consider switching to window 8. Such as, it’s like window 7 not 8, slow, the apps are annoying, and critical error. According to Many of the new features will be lost on those who don't care about touch. Automatic, forced updates could spell trouble later. Cortana's features are better suited for smartphones.

                            We fine these types of Genre in:

·        Business magazine

·        Microsoft website

·        Newspapers

·        Advertisements

        Finally, I personally prefer window 10 because it is more secured, and easy to use than window 8. According to windows 10 is the Goldilocks version of Microsoft's venerable PC operating system. It is the compromise between the familiar dependability of Windows 7, and the forward-looking touchscreen vision of Windows 8.

Thlog #3

    First of all, I appreciate Zack for making me understand the Important of close reading. Such reading helps me comprehend the writer ideas. through Close reading. I'm now able to read a books, an articles, and get the writer main point or theses.

    To read and look up for word meaning, textual context, rhetorical devices, imagery, and themes is a great start for me. looking up for strange words meaning can help the reader with the comprehension of the paragraph the strange word is in. It also involve the connotations of words, what is the source of that strange word.

    Knowing the textual context of the passage, how they appear, and the role it play actually help me a lot in understanding the author points.
     For me the imagery play a great party in the reader interpretation of the passage. Our visual literacy ( the ability to recognize and understand the ideas that is conveyed through vision actions or as picture ) can make know the propose of the passage that we are reading.

    The theme can also improve my understanding; looking for the main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing  by the writer gave me a good understanding too. Close reading is just like annotating a passage. This broad ideal or message conveyed by the writer, such as a performance, and a motion picture  is to gave the reader clean understanding  of what he/she means. Every students should practice close reading in order to improve their interpretations of the writer passage they are reading. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


        Hey Zack, here is  my textual genre that I pick for my PB1A  paper.

     Well, as we know genre is a particular type or category of literature and art. For my PB1A paper, I will be writing on soccer game as my textual genre that I'm familiar with. Soccer game involves around sport setting, event or an athlete. This genre is know for incorporating  Film technique to build anticipation and intensity

     I have been involved into soccer since I was ten years old. Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Europe and the Americas. It has a vivid and interesting history in the world of sports. It was founded by the British in 1920. Most people play soccer game for fun and entertainment. Not only that, it also have economic benefits, soccer fans are more than willing to spend on their favorite sport. In the 2009-10 season,  Manchester United’s revenues reached $428 million, notes, while Barcelona pulled in $488 million. World Cups also are big money spinners, with FIFA, the international governing body of soccer, generating an estimated $3 billion from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, according to economist Dennis Coates of the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

    In addition, inside Iran’s stadiums, women express their support by enthusiastically following local soccer games from nearby rooftops. Elsewhere, soccer has acted in profound ways to create change. For example, The Winning Goal writing by G.B Samuelsson, The Arsenal Stadium  Mystery writing by Thorold Dickinson, and The Great Goal by Jack Raymond. You can fine these three example on this website  sportss#Association_football_.28soccer.29.

  However, the three example actually gave us the ideology behind the creation of soccer game and its popularity in the word today. The three can be  found in Sport Magazines, Newspapers, and Story Books. The Great Game which is my favorite  gave us vital knowledge and vivid descriptions on the game. For instance, The Great Game shows how the rules are made, tactical team talk to players, and fans emotions to the game. 

   All in all, soccer game is a world game that millions of people watch and support. It is the most popular sport in the world today. Soccer is unique in that it crosses all geographic, ethnic and religious boundaries. While almost everyone on this planet knows of, plays or has watched others play football, aside from goals scored and long standing team rivalries, rarely do we hear about the more important value and ability for this and other sports to effect positive social change.


Monday, October 10, 2016

About me

Hi, my name is Sekou A. Bility and I'm from West African precisely Liberia. I'm a student at the community college of Philadelphia studying Health care as my major. I play soccer, love music, and for the most part, I love writing. Please note: When you follow in the path of your father, you will learn to walk like him.